International Traintickets

Cheap train travel abroad? Order cheap train tickets easily online.

☑️ Train tickets from € 9,-
☑️ No booking fees online
☑️ Board directly & no check-in time


Train tickets to destinations abroad

Travel sustainably and affordably by train to destinations abroad. The train is not only suitable for a city trip or holiday. A day of shopping is also possible. Think of cities such as Antwerp, Brussels, Düsseldorf, Oberhausen or Cologne. Curious? Discover available trains, seats and prices for international train tickets via the booking tool.

Via you book the same journey, at the lowest price. We check prices from different carriers daily and refer you to the cheapest provider.

Internationale Trein NS
Travel sustainably to all destinations in Europe by train. Book cheap train tickets to destinations abroad with various providers. We have already selected the cheapest provider of international train tickets per destination for you. Discover availability and plan your trip today!

Already know your final destination or are you here for inspiration? Below you’ll find a selection of possible destinations. For inspiration, of course, take a look at our train travel blog. You can also book an international train ticket directly. To do this, press ‘Search tickets’, after which you will be taken to a page with a booking planner.

Booking International Train Tickets

Already know your final destination or are you here for inspiration? Below you’ll find a selection of possible destinations. For inspiration, of course, take a look at our train travel blog. You can also book an international train ticket directly. To do this, press ‘Search tickets’, after which you will be taken to a page with a booking planner.

Early booking discount on international train tickets

The most important tip is to take into account the time of booking. The different providers of European train journeys have different periods in which they make the tickets available for sale. When you buy an international train ticket with an early booking discount, you pay the cheapest fare. Later the price of the same ticket will increase.

  • IC Brussels: by train to Belgium you can book cheaply up to 3 days before departure.
  • Eurostar and Destinations in Great Britain: 4 months before departure;
  • ICE International, IC Berlin to Destinations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland: approximately 180 days before departure;
  • Night trains through Germany and distant destinations: approximately 122 days before departure.

Book international train tickets online

Do you want to book cheap international train tickets? Book train tickets online without booking fees and use the booking tips and early booking discount. Keep in mind that fares for train journeys abroad will only become more expensive. Of course, you can always contact us if you have any questions, so that we can help you further.

International train tickets with a discount

Below you’ll find some saving tips for booking a cheap train ticket abroad. You always book international train tickets with a discount when you take the following booking tips into account.

Train ticket abroad? Find tickets with a discount!

  • Book online, so you don’t pay any reservation costs;
  • Early booking = cheap travel;
  • Traveling in the evening hours is often cheaper;
  • Like us on Facebook and subscribe to the newsletter for the latest offers;
  • Book your weekend getaway from Saturday to Monday, as Friday to Sunday is often more expensive.

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